Simply Sunday

As a new Mom, I had much to learn. On-the-job training at its finest! There were many changes and emotions to process. I was barely able to catch my breath. And I haven’t even mentioned the lack of sleep. But, oh, so much love.

As a new Gigi, there is still much to learn. Much of it through reflecting. Seeing my babies as I hold my granddaughter. Understanding how my mom must have felt holding my children for the first time. And again, so much love.

Motherhood is a beautiful circle of strength and love sewn with unbreakable threads. It causes us to need each other in ways we may never completely understand. It leaves me humbled and grateful.

Happy Mother’s Day! 💗

Simply Sunday

Full Circle

From present to past
And back again
One step in your direction
And time was somehow erased
Another glance
And I saw us both
As younger and older
In the very same second
Smiles and hugs
Remember when’s…
But only a few-
Those memories
Were already lived
Now was the time
For sharing the space
That passed in between-
A foundation of knowing
And now a re-knowing-
You said it was a
Full-circle moment
And I think you were right

To friendships, old and new. ❤️

Simply Sunday

It is difficult
To remember
The me who
Once was seven
Do you find the same to be true?
Oh, there are glimpses
Flashes of childhood
Aided by photographs
And the reciting
Of stories at
Family gatherings-
I believe at seven
Happy outweighed sad
And freedom came
When swinging way up high
High enough to touch the sky
Then bravely jumping out
It is difficult
To remember
The me who
Once was seven
But I am grateful
For her spirit
To reside in me
Even when I’m afraid
To jump out of the swing


Words are playing
With my thoughts
These days-
Right as I'm about
To capture one
It disappears
Behind an image
Or a memory
Before bringing
Another word
To the forefront
But only for a second
Continuing this game
Of trying to remember
All the things I hope
To never forget-
My brain says
There are too many
But my heart
Has trouble accepting-
Perhaps today
Is for finding
Only a few
As I sit quietly
Next to you

Life Lessons

Will you push me on the swings?
Oh, please, please, please!

Ok, just once!

A tiny taste of the magic
That is flying up to the sky
Magic not diminished
When gravity pulls you back
Your only desire
To do it again, and again, and again-
There won’t always be
Someone to give you a push
But that’s ok because
Life has lots of lessons
And this one is important!

Kick your feet out
In front of you
Just as you’re about
To touch the sky
Pull them back
Do it again, and again, and again-
Pretty soon
Your imagination
Will carry you
Wherever you wish to go

Still no sunshine…maybe next week. ☀️ Sharing another poem from a recent poetry circle.

For Old Time’s Sake

A childhood photo
Favorite song
Cherished tradition
Competitive game
Of cousin kickball
Why would we attempt to recreate such things?
Because memories fade
Some we hope
To never forget
Others we wish
We could forget
But time is a teacher
Showing us where
Each puzzle piece belongs
And that our personal picture
Unlike the puzzle in a box
Has no straight edges
Always leaving room
For new connections

Auld Lang SyneKelley Morris, piano

Happy New Year, Friends! ❤️

Christmas Eve Smiles

Since Dad passed, Mom has asked several times if there was anything of his I wanted. Initially, I took a couple of his sweater vests. I knew how much he liked wearing them. My mother-in-law made a sweet teddy bear from them that now sits in my studio.

When Mom would ask again, I really couldn’t think of anything else. That is, until this past weekend.

While in Little Rock picking up Mom for Christmas, I noticed my niece wearing one of Dad’s Razorback sweatshirts. It made me smile. And it helped us talk about him and how much we miss him. So, I asked about his other Razorback shirts.

Mom brought out two long-sleeve T-shirts and a jacket for me. I wasn’t sure if I’d wear them, but having them seemed right. If you know my dad, you know he loved to cheer on the Razorbacks. If they happened to be playing on network TV, he would watch. Otherwise, he had his radio nearby and tuned in to listen.

Well, today is Christmas Eve. And I decided to try on one of the shirts with some black leggings. Turned out to be the perfect choice. I miss him so much. But today, I am smiling as I remember.

Happy Christmas Eve! ❤️

Simply Sunday

Have a Seat

One last sit
On the couch
Walk around the
Swing on the swing
Slide down the slide-
Cleaning out
Packing up
Off on a new
Life’s changes
Don’t always
Provide opportunity
To savor the lasts
But when it does
May I suggest
Sitting on that
Old couch
Just a little bit longer-

Our daughter moved this weekend. Not far away, thankfully. 😉 As we talked about the specifics of loading and unloading, she reminded me of an earlier move.

The kids were young. We were preparing for a big move, and had a moving sale. Our things displayed in the front yard. I will never forget one request from the kids. Can we please have one last sit on the couch?

After all these years, I think I’m beginning to understand the wisdom in their request. ❤️

Tiny Apartment

I’ve been known to say
-Referencing a
A certain time
In my life-
I was quite a mess!
Thought I hid it well
At the time
But truthfully
Some things
Cannot be hidden-
Insecurity paired
With indecisiveness
Those two should not
Be left unattended!

Neither should
Guilt and regret
Those four took up
Way too much space
In my tiny apartment
Thankfully, circumstances
Required interactions outside
The voice in my head
And eventually, I was
Able to say
I’m no longer a mess!
Hmmm…what would be the opposite?

Sharing a poem from a recent writing circle facilitated by Ali Grimshaw. Perhaps you can relate. 😉

Simply Sunday

I was anxious about the day-our first Thanksgiving without Dad. It was a lovely day. I enjoyed catching up with my extended family. Laughing with my husband and grown children. Snuggling with my sweet granddaughter.

Thinking about how to handle my emotions before the day arrived proved helpful. Though I missed Dad, I did not want it to be a sad day.

There was a moment when tears began to swell. I took a deep breath and snuggled sweet Emi a little closer. Then watched the day unfold-thankful.

One of my favorite Thanksgiving memories! ❤️
Sweeter than pie!