We have days dedicated to celebrating almost everything.  Days for donuts, coffee, moms, dads, cats, and dogs-and the list goes on and on.  Today was MRI day.  At least, that is what I decided to proclaim.  Especially now that my doctor insists I have one in addition to my mammogram every year. 

They are not particularly fun.  Imagine lying face down on a narrow table.  White towels lining the hole where your face rests.  Your arms straight out in front-think Superman pose.  No, wait-Wonder Woman. 😉

Once in position, you must be perfectly still for thirty minutes.  Perfectly still while the tube you are in makes random, intermittent noises, as if preparing for take-off.  Actually, it is just a really loud camera.

I know this probably does not sound like something to celebrate.  But this year, I choose to view it differently.  I am celebrating deep breaths that helped me to relax.  I am celebrating old hymns and classic James Taylor singing inside my head. I am celebrating medical science that says early detection is key.

Even though physically uncomfortable, the above reasons eased my anxiety. And I was reminded that I can do hard things. So, get your mammograms! And if your doctor says the word MRI, you can do it! Until next year! 💕

11 thoughts on “MRI Day

  1. Have never encountered such an upbeat take on MRIs before. I’m filing your perspective away in case I’m ever told I need one of these – thank you. (Seems entirely probable if I live long enough, an MRI will show up in my recommended list. I am approaching the age when mammograms become optional vs routine – but headed next week for mammo & bone density.)

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  2. It’s a wonderful take Kelley — one I wish I’d had years ago when my youngest daughter, who is now about to turn 33, was diagnosed with a rare spinal condition and had to undergoregular 6 month MRIs from age 5 – 8.

    I bought her a lion she called Grrrrr. He was her companion in the tube and her strength. He roared when she (and I) wanted to cry.

    Many hugs. You are an inspiration.

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  3. Pingback: Blue Mixed with Gray – Piano Girl

  4. Being a medical student, I too encountered a lot of MRIs of my patients. And yeah, it’s not that easy as it seems to be. Before actually doing MRI, we have to first become a proffesional counsellor to counsel them that it is worth it. And it is actually the investigation of choice for most soft tissue diseases- tendons, ligaments, nerves, vessels, muscles, etc.

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